No, despite the common belief, using inhalers routinely will not get you addicted to it. The medication use of inhalers is not habit forming. Early discontinuation or irregular use (not as prescribed) can cause the symptoms to reappear. Inhalers are vital for breathing disorders like asthma. They are NOT addictive. Inhalers should be used as long as prescribed by your doctor.

If you are wondering why you have to use a special device for medication instead of just having pills taken orally, this is because, with inhalers,

  • 1. the medicine goes directly to the parts of the body where it needs to have an effect - the airways and the lungs.
  • 2. Because of this, a less dosage of medicine is also required than compared to pills, leading to fewer side effects.

This again a misconception!
It should be clearly understood that the medicine used in syrups and inhalers is almost the same. In fact, inhalers are the first resort medicine for treating breathing problems like asthma and COPD. Globally, inhalers are a well-accepted therapy and are the most effective, safe and convenient therapy for asthma. Inhalation therapy is the most effective way to treat your breathing problems such as asthma and COPD, so you can continue to lead a normal, regular life.

Anyone who takes inhaled asthma medicines should use a spacer whenever it is practical to do so. When using an inhaler on its own, a lot of the medicine ends up in mouth or stomach. This is not where it’s needed! The holding chamber of a spacer ensures the optimal dose is delivered as a fine mist straight to the lungs. Make sure you also look after your spacer properly to maximise the benefits.

Inhalers have a very small dose of the medication, as compared to tablets or syrups. Hence, the side-effect profile is lesser in inhaled medication. Therefore, it is safer. In fact, long term usage of inhalers can prevent the risk of future attacks. However, you should consult your doctor to understand the duration of usage of inhalers for your condition.

Inhalers are one of the most widely researched and prescribed topical drug delivery systems for asthma. Essentially, there are devices that allow you to breathe in the medication. Inhalers deposit the drug directly to the targeted site i.e. the airways. Unlike oral medications like tablets and syrups, which must be absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and need to travel through the bloodstream to various parts of the body before they reach the lungs, this type of delivery systems puts the drug exactly where it is required. Advantages of inhalers over oral medications:

  • - Lower quantities of drug required due to targeted delivery to the airways
  • - Lesser side effects
  • - Faster relief
  • - Easy-to-use.